


The first week of Reading 091 was very exciting. As part of the ACE program this was my first time on campus and my first college course. Before class I was very nervous I did not know what to expect of the class. I was late the first day because I had no idea where the building my classroom was in was. Until i found a security guard nearby and he escorted me to class. When I came in Mrs. Salsedo was infront of the class was talking. We all got her amazing syllabus. Then the next day we didn't have class which I thought was awesome. I was a little confused about what was actually due for that class. On the syllabus I didn't read the part where it says we don't have to do the assignments if we pass the quiz with 100%. So without knowing this I panicked and tried to have the Introduction,Part1&2 done by wednesday. I worked for hours and hours trying to accomplish this because i didn't wants to get a bad grade in this class. I had never done so much work in my life. The worst part was I don't even know if it counted for anything because I passed the quizzes for the Introduction, Parts1&2 and sent those to Mrs Salsedo too. Overrall I took it as learning experience. Anyway Mrs. Salsedo also told us about a service learning project we will be working on for the next couple weeks. She explained that we are going to read to children and incorporate what we're learning from our textbooks so that we are learning too. I was super excited to hear this because I love learning hands on. I was also very nervous for this because I feel like I don't have the teaching skills to do this. I do hope to learn a lot by this activity and I reallly am looking foward to the rest of this class. 


Mrs. Salsedo's class  was a lot different this week because instead of meeting the classroom we started to meet in the computer lab. This was actuallt really better because Mrs. Salsedo was able to give us visuals of what we were suppose to be doing. This also gave us an opportunity to be able to work on our work in class and meet with our groups. Mrs. Salsedo also introduced her weebly website which I thought was pretty cool because it explained exactly on the agenda what assignments needed to be done. So this week started to make a lot more sense and I think the availability of the computers was also a great resource. This week we also met with our students. I was so nervous before because I did not know if my parnters would like the story I chose or how i read or anything. But when we started our first day it was actually pretty fun. The lesson plan was also not even that hard to make like I thought it would be. In the first sessions the students were very shy but after we introduced ourselves it started to get a little better. I also made the mistake of thinking I was only working with only one student so I ran out of vocabulary words. I learned from this and knew next time to bring more vocabulary for the other students. good thing I had them copied them down on another piece of paper so I was able to orally go over the words with the students. I learned a lot from my first time with my students. I made a mistake that I will not make again and I also had some success of getting over the nervousness. I look foward to keep on working with my partners.

This week in Mrs. Salsedos class has been really good. On Monday we went over the agenda which was for the most part pretty easy. She told us to get in our groups as part of the agenda because we hsd to work on our last week of service learning. Which I knew was going to be very sad because I am going to miss reading to my partners that I have already gotten used to. But anyway we were working in groups. I really don't even like working with my group. Some people don't show up, some are lazy, and some are just plain creepy. I guess thats part of the college life I am barley getting used to. I just know that I work better alone or with maybe one other person but usually its alone. So this week is the last week of our service learning. We are going to read to them on tuesday and thursday. On tuesday the kids showed up pretty late so it was pretty hard trying to squeeze everything in but I did work out successfully. On wenesday we worked with our groups again to find another book. Wednesday seem to always be a busy day at the library. Luckily I had the pefect book in mind for what i wanted to teach. Then on Thursday the kids showed up super super super late. I got a little nervous because I thought that they were not going to come. But even though they showed up 20minutes late ansd we had a small amout of time with them which was not to mention sad because it was our last day. The last day was pretty great because it was really laid back and we had tons of fun. The kids even gave me thank you cards for reading to them. I felt so very happy. I guess this is what teachers might feel like when they get little appreciation card or apples on their desk. But i honestly had a great time learning and taching with my students. I think that service learning is a great program and I'm so glad that we get community service for this because I had such a great time.  

Reflection-Week4 (Last Week)
This week in Mrs. Salsedo's class has been pretty chill. On Monday we talked about our Weebly websites. Mrs. Salsedo gave us time in class to work on them in class which was really nice because I had alot alot alot of questions on mine. I didn't really understand really if mine was really the right way. I am kind of nervous about whether or not it was correct or not. She also gave us time to work in our groups again. We are giving a presentation on wednesday. I am really nervous for that because two parners did not show up. Which is really going to suck in my group when we present because my group is really really hard to work. Sometimes I think they aren't very serious. I really hate working in groups. I woulda like to just present by my self that would have been more great because i do not have to worry about anyone else. Escially because my group is so so so so big. But anyway it was because I seen the guy in my group in my next class. Its weird how he couldn't show up for that class but either one? I don't know but othe than that thats all we did in her class. On tuesday we got to have the day off. Well not really because I still had a little left to work on, on my weebly but it was nice to not have to go to class. Well that was a great four weeks in Mrs. Salsedos class. :)